Kerr Mackie Primary School
Gledhow Lane

0113 336 8499

Kerr Mackie Primary School

Together everyone achieves more.

Religious Education


RE teaching at Kerr Mackie Primary School aims to provide all children with a broad and balanced curriculum.  This will enable pupils in each year group to combine a systematic study of specific religions and worldviews with enquiry into wider themes and applications.

Our RE curriculum is designed around three key aims:

  1. Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews.
  2. Investigate how religions and worldviews address questions of meaning, purpose and value.
  3. Investigate how religions and worldviews influence morality, identity and diversity.

Throughout our school, pupils are encouraged both to learn from others and to express their own ideas.


Our RE syllabus recognises and uses the structure of national guidance published by the RE Council for England and Wales.  However, it has been adapted to suit the local context of West Yorkshire. Our syllabus and timetable also provide the required coverage of religions and worldviews.  Christianity and Islam are covered in key stage 1, with Sikhism and Judaism added in key stage 2.

  • A whole-school long-term plan provides continuity and progression within the teaching of RE.
  • Kerr Mackie Primary School uses the Kirklees/West Yorkshire RE scheme which provides a detailed and structured resource for planning, provision and assessment.
  • Children use a range of resources and types of activity to engage them and to develop their knowledge and understanding.
  • Children are given regular opportunities to reflect on prior learning and to make cross-curricular links with other subjects and topics.
  • Children are strongly encouraged to use subject-specific vocabulary when expressing their ideas and recording their learning.
  • High-quality presentation is expected for all children’s work.
  • Written work within RE is marked in accordance with the school’s marking and feedback policy.
  • Standards within RE at our school are regularly monitored by the subject leader.


  • Children will enjoy and be enthusiastic about RE in our school.
  • There will be a clear progression of children’s learning and teachers’ expectations in our school.
  • Standards within children’s work in RE will be in line with those in other subject areas.
  • Children will work independently and collaboratively in their investigations and other activities.
  • Children will be able to confidently communicate their knowledge and understanding in RE.

Assemblies and Reflection Time 

9.30 am Monday - Community Check In

9.30 am Tuesday - Learning Behaviour and School Values

9.30 am Wednesday - British Values

9.30 am Thursday - Share Our learning and Reflection

9.30 am Friday - Celebration Assembly