Together everyone achieves more.




Paul Halmos

Maths News!

Times Table Rockstar Day! 

All the pupils and staff at Kerr Mackie had a great day celebrating National Maths Day with dazzling outfits, loads of fun and brilliant maths skills.

All the children worked very hard on their times tables and managed to get Kerr Mackie in the top 50 on the National Leader board for the NSPCC Maths challenge! 

Go Kerr Mackie, go!


At Kerr Mackie Primary School we strive to develop a deep and sustainable learning in mathematics for all pupils. We teach maths using the mastery approach: each topic is studied in depth to provide the children with a thorough conceptual understanding, fluency and knowledge. This enables the children to apply their knowledge systematically when solving problems and provides them with accurate mathematical vocabulary to explain their reasoning and prove their ideas.

This inclusive approach to teaching mathematics, and its emphasis on promoting multiple, adaptable methods of solving a problem, builds self-confidence and resilience in our pupils.


To ensure that all children succeed in maths and can reach their full potential, every pupil takes part in 5 whole-class interactive lessons, which focus on procedural fluency and conceptual understanding of a mathematical topic.

Mathematical concepts are introduced using a variety of different manipulatives and representations, to ensure the children develop a deep understanding and can make connections between different concepts. 

 Lot of Math Manipulatives and Resources for Classroom/Home  Schooling/Tutoring

From the concrete representation of using actual objects and manipulatives, over the use of pictorial and abstract representation, children are challenged and supported in deepening their understanding through intelligent practice. This means that the children use a range of practical equipment in class, so they can visualise how calculations are performed. Some of these manipulatives include dienes, Numicon, counters or ten frames. Alongside this, the children then use pictures (bar models, part-whole models) to represent these concepts before they move on to using only numbers (abstract). The children can access a variety of different representations in their classroom and are enabled to become more independent learners.


Please see our Calculation Policy for examples.


Same Day Intervention (SDI): This is an approach which is used throughout school, ensuring that no child is left behind. Children that find certain concepts difficult or hold misconceptions, take part in a Same Day Intervention session, which enables the teacher to address the difficulty or misconception. These early interventions assure that all children are ready to move forward with the whole class. Furthermore, SDI gives teachers the opportunity to identify children that grasp new concepts quickly and provide them with challenges that allow them to work at a greater depth to explain and prove their reasoning.


Maths Facts: In addition to the 5 daily lessons that focus on varied fluency, reasoning and problem solving, the children also take part in daily maths facts sessions that focus on key facts such as multiplication tables, place value knowledge, and addition and subtraction facts. We practise these to avoid cognitive overload in the working memory, to enable pupils to focus on new concepts. All children at Kerr Mackie Primary School have a log in to TT Rockstars which is used to develop their fluency in times tables. If your child is not sure about their log in details, please speak to their class teacher.



  • Children enjoy their maths lessons and talk positively about their progress in mathematics.
  • Children of all abilities can talk confidently about their maths learning, they can use accurate mathematical vocabulary and can explain and justify their reasoning.
  • Children are more resilient and enjoy to be challenged in maths lessons.
  • Children can use a variety of different representations and methods to solve problems and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a concept. (concrete, pictorial, abstract)
  • Children make good progress throughout school and can reach their full potential in maths.
  • Children are more fluent in multiplication tables and key facts.
  • Children have a growth mindset and are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths, they can succeed.


Long Term Plans

We follow the White Rose scheme of work for maths, adapting its content so it is appropriate for our children. 

Click on the image below to see the long term plans for Reception and Years 1-6.