Kerr Mackie Primary School

Year 5 PSHE

How can I demonstrate I care about my community and the world around me...

  •  I know how to manage friendships and peer influence.  
  • I know I need to ask consent to give physical contact and know how to respond to unwanted or unacceptable physical contact.  
  • I know how to respond respectfully to a wide range of people and recognise discrimination towards others including online.  
  • I understand the responsibility I have for protecting the environment and the compassion I need to show it.  
  • I recognise that content online is targeted and how to recognise unsafe, false and misleading information.  
  • I can recognise career I may want in the future and the different routes I could take to have that job.  
  • I know that healthy sleep habits, sun safety, medicines, vaccinations, immunisations and allergies all contribute to leading a healthy lifestyle.  
  • I understand personal identity and what contributes to it, including race, sex, gender, family, faith, culture, hobbies, likes and dislikes.  
  • I know how to keep safe in different situations including emergencies and first aid. I may also be taught about the risks of FGM. 

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